The industrial sector accounts for more than 30% of the nation’s primary energy use. Process heating — the application of thermal energy to convert feedstock into interim and finished products — accounts for 63% of all energy use in manufacturing, according to the U.S. Department of Energy.

EPIXC, the U.S. Department of Energy’s 7th Clean Energy Manufacturing Innovation Institute, is a public-private partnership aimed at securing U.S. manufacturing competitiveness in a global economic environment that increasingly demands more efficient, cost-effective heating technologies and a skilled workforce to implement them.

Our vision

Our vision is to revitalize and revolutionize the U.S. industrial sector using clean electricity with cost-effective, high-impact solutions created by our public-private partnership of scientists, engineers and technology developers, community organizations and labor unions.

Electric heating is economical and supports a more resilient, capable manufacturing industry everywhere for everyone. 

Ready to join?

There are different ways to join EPIXC and we welcome new members.

If you have any questions related to membership, please contact us at [email protected].

Our process

EPIXC is a catalyst for overcoming key barriers to electric heating adoption in manufacturing processes by advancing electric heating technologies, at a systems level, by reducing the levelized cost of electric heat.

Diagram depicting 1 - Material feed (fuel), 2 - water, 3 - steam (flue gas), 4 - product, then to tail gas back to 1.

Traditional process

  1. Fired furnace reactor
  2. Feed effluent heat exchanger
  3. Heat recovery
  4. Separator
Diagram depicting 1 - material feed, 2 - water, 3 - steam, 4 - product, leading into the tail gas.

EPIXC process

  1. Electrified reactor
  2. Feed effluent heat exchanger
  3. Electric boiler
  4. Separator

Our mission

Our mission is to develop and scale innovative electric heating concepts for advanced manufacturing, improve flexibility and enhance the energy efficiency of industrial process heating. Through research, development and demonstration efforts, education and workforce development programs and the creation of new jobs, EPIXC will provide cost-effective solutions. These solutions will benefit the working class, be scalable, accelerate the U.S. toward a future-proof manufacturing industry and contribute to the goals set by DOE’s Industrial Heat Shot™.
